Jay Familglietti, NASA’s top water scientist, recently warned that California has only a year’s supply of water left in storage facilities and the backup groundwater is rapidly depleting. Despite this harrowing fact, California has no backup plan to address this crisis.
“California has no contingency plan for a persistent drought like this one (let alone a 20-plus-year mega-drought), except, apparently, staying in emergency mode and praying for rain,” stated Familglietti. “In short, we have no paddle to navigate this crisis.”
UPDATE: California Gov. Jerry Brown issues ineffectual, mandatory water restriction as one-third of our nation’s crops are threatened. See Page 3 for updates.
Please stay away from the great lakes. The last thing we need is water being sent out west to help that mess out.
But they have plenty of smelts
Time to use Israeli desalinization technology
Desaltation as others are using should be how they get and have been getting their water instead of taking it from other States.
When is that fault going to give and sink californication into the sea?
Build undergroud c$#%&!@* from all the rivers that overflow in the east outWest free water no more floods in the East plenty of drinking water out here they can have it instead of it washing down into the Gulf and screwing up the Gulf of Mexico with silt and debris and then while your building the c$#%&!@* under ground then go ahead and build a high speed rail system on top of that to create a better infrastructure we can get rid of a lot more jets if we have high speed rail it would create all kinds of jobs for us America
Thank Nestle.
More failed leftist policies.
Who cares
I know! How about a new tax!