To test its ability to respond to threats posed by asteroids, NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office uses an asteroid named “2012 TC4”. Here are four methods they hope could one day save us all from going the way of the dinosaurs.
1. Gravity Tractor
As there are no known weapons powerful enough to destroy an asteroid on short notice, NASA believes the safest way to avoid a cataclysmic event is to develop its early warning system.
An Earth-bound asteroid would need to be spotted decades in advance if scientists are to have a chance of stopping a disaster. Indeed, scientists would need a similar amount of time just to assess the object’s composition and decide which of its theoretical deflection techniques to use before launching a mission that might only move the rock less than an inch per second off course.
If an asteroid is spotted early enough, it could be possible to divert its path using the gravity from an orbiting spacecraft, according to NASA. In some future mission, a Gravity Tractor could fly alongside the rock for a period of decades, slowly pulling it to a safe area of space where the object could be studied or mined for commercial purposes.
The potentially expensive and time-consuming project remains in the pre-planning stages.
2. Laser Ablation
In February 2013, the Chelyabinsk Meteor provided a timely reminder of the threat of NEOs when the object entered the Earth’s atmosphere undetected, exploding over western Russia with a force 20-30 times stronger than the Hiroshima bomb.
In the future, objects such as Chelyabinsk could be subjected to “Laser Ablation,” a technique in which lasers are used to irradiate the surface of an asteroid, transforming it from a solid mass to a gas. Research from the University of Strathclyde’s Advanced Space Concepts Laboratory shows that harnessing solar rays to power a swarm of laser-carrying spacecraft is, theoretically, possible.
Turning rock into gas would eliminate fragmentation which could present a further threat to Earth. There would also be no need to perform the technically tricky maneuver of landing on the moving object’s surface.
3. Kinetic Impactor
Scientists believe a “kinetic impactor,” essentially a rocket used to ram an asteroid off course, could be effective against larger Earth-bound objects. There is even a mission scheduled to launch in the near future to test the feasibility of the technique.
Set to launch in October 2020, the joint NASA-ESA Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment Mission will send two vessels into space to intercept the asteroid Didymos as it comes near to Earth in 2022.
First, the NASA-led Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) will crash into the asteroid while . the second spacecraft, the ESA’s Asteroid Impact Mission (AIM), orbits the rock and performs an analysis of the kinetic impact of the crash. It’s hoped that AIM will return valuable new information that could aid a future planetary defense effort.
Any shifting of the Didymos asteroid that may occur would also mark the first time that humanity has significantly altered the path of a body in the Solar System.
4. Nuclear Impactor
Viewed as a method of last resort, the nuclear option to deflect asteroids away from Earth would present an ethical and political challenge. Students from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, working on a class project, developed the first public study of the nuclear impactor method in 1967.
In what has become known as Project Icarus, the students suggested that NASA take the first six Saturn V rockets earmarked for the moon program and add a 44,000lb nuclear warhead to each.
Image: RT
N.A.S.A stands for never a straight answer and nasal is accompanied by real satanic SS natzi group called the Odious Max Plank organization, was the same organization that came up with ideas for$#%&!@*to eradicate the Jews, I seriously doubt they’re telling the real story!
Duh. It happens every day. A global extermination is rare, but has and will happen again. The bible and the mythology it speaks of have no effect.
IF it is one of the prophesies, then something like that is scheduled for the tribulation…the Christians will be taken out in the rapture earlier.
Military will fire missles at it, break it up in little pieces, rest will burn up entering atmosphere
If and when i will be the last man alive. You know how i know this? Im alone in this world now. It wont change.
Robert Coppersmith The Bible states it in Revelations
Yeah, it is…Revelation speaks of the meteor Wormwood coming…..
Yes. IMHO, one (or many) of the things God is going to use against the world when He pours out His wrath upon the earth … and not all that far off, either. Just a hunch, but most will probably fall near coastlines, and drown millions of people at a time. Best prepare, spiritually …
Sorry proofreader, that phrase means pay attention, and see, and the word IS NOT “LOW”, IT HAPPENS TO BE “LO”.