Looks like someone forgot to tell the polar ice caps that they should be melting. How dare they increase by 5% over a 35-year average! They should have been told to be gone by now.
The gall of making Al Gore look so bad….after he created the Internet he was bound to get the Nobel prize for his work in helping all the sea ice melt.
Sorry Al.
Andrew Thomas
But, but Al said
To Destroy All West Forever.
Al gore read and weep and all those commi AG that back the new scumbag order
And the chief idiot is still pushing us to accept his Voodoo theory.
I don’t think the ice gets msnbc up there. Somebody needs to tell the ice to start melting! We humans trying to control the worlds climate look like idiots to the ice.
Well it is coming from NASA so naturally it can’t be trusted. Did you know in Hebrew NASA means to deceive,to fool with evil intent. Coincidence
So much for Global warming