Looks like someone forgot to tell the polar ice caps that they should be melting. How dare they increase by 5% over a 35-year average! They should have been told to be gone by now.
The gall of making Al Gore look so bad….after he created the Internet he was bound to get the Nobel prize for his work in helping all the sea ice melt.
Then again maybe you should read my post again / it’s called tongue & cheek but am aware that Neanderthal, have a hard time deciphering due to the limited brain capacities.., so we will exclude your limited attempt to communicate yourself or to undestand the ral meaning in a “joke”
democrat fraud—-global warming
What happens if it doesn’t melt?
It does
For anyone who wants to actually take some time…Weather Channel co-founder John does the best review of the Global Warming history: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P5RW0Tmp-U
All the hot air about global warming can now be put to rest what new lie will they come up with
It’sall lies!
No references so no credibility
Mark, I’ve been reading a sizable amount of material on this from here and abroad for over a decade. It started as an honest question and was soon hijacked by politicians who have political purposed for it that have nothing to do with climante and some true believers who will do anything to protect their vision (or in many cases paycheck). Have you not read the Huge disclosure of Climate Gate…”hide the decline,” efforts to virulently discredit scientists who don’t agree…repeated substantial numbers of changes to the “models” because they Don’t work as predicted…polar ice melting/expanding on Mars @ same time as earth…omission of data from many temperature recording stations to allow data to support the “theory,” the list goes on and on. You’ll recall from high school science that the scientific process is supposed to go through several steps to go from hypothesis to becoming a “law.” This theory/hypothesis was simply jumped up to acting as if it was a law w/no process of testing & proof. Appreciate you input & hope you’ll consider others.