Looks like someone forgot to tell the polar ice caps that they should be melting. How dare they increase by 5% over a 35-year average! They should have been told to be gone by now.
The gall of making Al Gore look so bad….after he created the Internet he was bound to get the Nobel prize for his work in helping all the sea ice melt.
Jason Dennert Woody
Somebody tell Al Gore.
This is not a trustworthy site if you check it out.
Mother nature show them not to mess with her.
I just can’t do this
I meam… you don’t even have to go that far… when you can buy extra carbon credits, you know… something is up.
I think NASA has far superior equipment than a weather station. They also have far more scientists employed there. Who would be better qualified? Maybe we should just ask Bill Nye cause he has taken enough bribes to promote global warming which he now only claims climate change.
I guess truth in action thinks people don’t pay attention. The Artic and Antarctica are 2 different things, Idiots! Check the data for the ARTIC. The stupidity amazes me. I’m never disappointed.
Al Gore, We know there’s money in the the global warning camp and You have spent your life trying to make tons of money in your involvement. Sorry Al, wrong then, wrong now.
Yes exactly, and a man never walked on the moon either. Bunch of dumb asses believe anything Trump says. OMG. Did you know Trump is also blocking scientific research from being published now?