Looks like someone forgot to tell the polar ice caps that they should be melting. How dare they increase by 5% over a 35-year average! They should have been told to be gone by now.
The gall of making Al Gore look so bad….after he created the Internet he was bound to get the Nobel prize for his work in helping all the sea ice melt.
“The sky is falling, the sky is falling…”
This global warming thing and the fact it is caused by humans burning too much fossil fuel that it was going to cause all of our polar ice caps to melt and cause sea levels to rise and flood our whole entire planet is nothing but propaganda from the media. This is why I do not believe every thing the media tells you. John Wayne once put it, “Only believe half of what the media tells you.” I believe in climate change but I believe it is an act of God. Climate change is nothing new. It’s been happening since God created the Earth, heaven and the universe. The weather does whatever God wants it to do. Human beings being blamed by the media for climate chance is nothing more than a left wing social engineering conspiracy theory just to scare voters into voting for more democrats who support this left wing totalitarian federal agency which is a big iron fisted government policing state called the EPA and fewer American’s into voting republican who support energy independents which means burning more fossil fuels responsibly not through federal regulations but technology and innovation. This is why we have way too many liberal democrats in office because the media is running our government and our nation just like other special interest groups which is way too rigged!
i worked in a job where i had to do tide /level/temparature/sainity/turbidity/and samples at 24 places in a SEQ CANAL SYSTEM for 22 yrs every week. — temp on average went up 0.34 degrees in that time (water temp)- more average rainfall-2.75 ml.. tide level s—NO INCREASE.!!
I don’t hear the media condemning China for causing the most air pollution on coal burning power plants. They are causing the most air quality problems. In America we still burn a lot of coal but have much cleaner coal not through federal regulations but technology and innovation like under ground pipes catching the carbon admission not through federal subsidies but free market capitalism and entrepreneurship!
Global warming is another scam, that the government has pulled on the American people.
Where’s the global warming?
This should be no suprise to anyone
It’s A con to get sheep to pay A new tax on anything that uses fuel.
It doesn’t mean that climate change isn’t real!!!