Looks like someone forgot to tell the polar ice caps that they should be melting. How dare they increase by 5% over a 35-year average! They should have been told to be gone by now.
The gall of making Al Gore look so bad….after he created the Internet he was bound to get the Nobel prize for his work in helping all the sea ice melt.
Global warming is a myth to fool people into believing humans actually have the power to control the weather. Climate change however is true…….the climate has been changing for thousands of years. In the long run nothing these alarmists have predicted has occurred…..
No kidding
That isn’t what Pope Gore says. while he rakes in his millions
All about the progressive democrats to create policy, restriction, fines and taxes.
lol. Just another way to steal money for terrorist.
We cannot have dissent from what the government says…..you must go to jauil.
looks like future carbon tax is just to shut down small buiness
NASA is right and the damn Government of liars are wrong.
Al Gore where are you? printing carbon coupons?