Looks like someone forgot to tell the polar ice caps that they should be melting. How dare they increase by 5% over a 35-year average! They should have been told to be gone by now.
The gall of making Al Gore look so bad….after he created the Internet he was bound to get the Nobel prize for his work in helping all the sea ice melt.
tell it to the liberals
Again, obama.
More lib news to get carbon tax and sound like protecting earth. Al gore Obama and libs r idiots
Better tell this to Al Gore who is as big a fraud as global warming and climate change!!!!!!!
I saw abut a 20 second.blurb of the lame stream media Fox spent a couple of minutes on it. The top scientist on this said the numbers were heavily skewed and the for cast models were No where near sophisticated enough to predict the weather next month let alone the next decade. They super imposed satellite photos from 2015 over the 1979 photos there was a substantial difference. 10 to 15% more ice today. Let’s not forget the global warming research vessel that was stuck in stuck in the ice for months because the ice had all melted. Lol once the research crew got helicoptered off we did not hear much about it. Other the the 2 icebreakers that got stuck also Lmao. If the libtards are manufacturing a lie of this magnitude just think everything else they lie about..
Only problem with these Global warming scientist is the fact if we had The extreme green house gases they talk about we would be going in to another iced age we wouldn’t be getting hotter as green house gas block Solar radiation
Yet, just today the “news” was telling about “record” high temperatures… I know who is lying, but we now bow to the stupid in everything.
And the “Lyin’ LibTurds” will call the data Lies
Please humans destroy this world please do . Learning how not to is to hard for humans 1.0 ? How about for humans 2.0 ??