The past year or so have not been good ones for the charlatans promoting the climate change/global warming hoax. More scientists are stepping forward to present alternative views while some researchers are finding huge discrepancies in the data used to promote the scam.
President Donald Trump’s bold decision to not sign on to the Paris climate agreement is yet another breach in the climate change wall erected by globalists interested in redistributing wealth.
The mainstream media aid and abet the climate change hoax by not reporting stories that run counter to the agreed narrative.
Meanwhile, world-class hypocrite Al Gore is out promoting his latest nutty documentary to a global audience that’s tired of his obnoxious bloviating. Gore’s problem is most of the dire warnings he hyped in his first film have turned out to totally preposterous and laughable.
Even the most gullible among his acolytes are starting to see the magnitude of the con he’s promoted. They also see how his lifestyle runs counter to everything he preaches.
Now comes word of a scientific report that blows one of his key messages to smithereens. On the next page, learn how NASA, once a reliable partner in the hoax, has changed its tune on a major tenet of climate change.
We ‘re closer to the threat of ice age in actuality. Top geophysicist told me that in the early 90 s. If Yellowstone blows.. …..
Global Warming is a Hoax!!!
Nice to finally read the truth.
Al Gore is a lying criminal who is stealing from people who have been suckered into believing his lies intentionally and unintentionally!!
has uitube really banned you guys and your videos
There is no end to Al Gores rhetoric about natural events that occure within our climate. We may be the most active race upon this earth using resources and expelling gasses and chemicals into the air. None of which affect the earth globally. China, Indiana, and other Asian countries that fail to utilize pollution fillers on their manufacturing facilities locally pollute the air of those facilities. However observe New York, Los Angels, Trenton and other larger manufacturing cities across the American landscape and you find cities with amazing views and clean air due to current pollution regulations. Smog in America is almost nonexistent. its definitely not changing the climate on a global scale. We as a species are still too small in our large numbers to claim we have that effect on our planet. you can say so and believe other idiots preaching and it’s your prerogative to hand over your hard earned money to a cause you deem worthy…but remember it is a hoax, a fraud and you’re only going broke making idiotic foolish choices listen to Al Gore and his cult followers.
16 trillion dollars is a strong force to perpetuate a hoax…. But that is just a down payment…. So…..