We’ve arrived at an incredible time in our nation’s history where the Right and the Left accuse each other of being fascist. Dictators have learned from one another over time and developed a blueprint for closing down an open society. The map is time tested and you’ll find certain elements are completely necessary for authoritarian control of a society. How many of these are currently in play in the U.S.?
The 10 essential steps the state must implement to take total control are:
1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.
2. Create secret prisons where torture takes place.
3. Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens.
4. Set up an internal surveillance system.
5. Harass citizens’ groups.
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As promised by our duly (maybe not) elected president…fundamentally transform America.
i can already hear the sound of the thug’s boots as they march down the streets of America……..That is what they want us to do: cower in fear and do nothing! Obama proves that point every day as he does more and more outlandish things simply because he knows he can get away with it! Washington wimps will only whine and then go out and play golf with their favorite lobbyist!
the war between the sons of darkness and the sons of light
I have heard not a peep from her about Obamaism!
Sounds familiar. Instead of Il Duce we could call Obama Il Douche.
Take out a piece of paper. Next, read each step and write down everything you can think of happening now in America concerning step one. Do the same for each of the remaining steps and see for yourself where the country is headed.
Can’t we get him out of the White House? With all the murders he is responsible for wouldn’t you think he would be placed before the firing squad? Lies and treason! That is what this president will be remembered for! Remember African Americans, this president does not like you and is not helping you!
its Obama and holder
Yes ,Thionk we heading that way!
Hey look at that #3…whoo hoo !