We’ve arrived at an incredible time in our nation’s history where the Right and the Left accuse each other of being fascist. Dictators have learned from one another over time and developed a blueprint for closing down an open society. The map is time tested and you’ll find certain elements are completely necessary for authoritarian control of a society. How many of these are currently in play in the U.S.?
The 10 essential steps the state must implement to take total control are:
1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.
2. Create secret prisons where torture takes place.
3. Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens.
4. Set up an internal surveillance system.
5. Harass citizens’ groups.
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democrats have become the socialist party.
Making. The good pl of America GREAT again…hss absolute nothing to Do n with fascism
Sounds just like the democrat party.
Naomi Wolf resurfaces…bwahahaha
That’s funny when you look at the south and the fact the Republicans have become the biggest users of all the socialist programs just Google welfare in the red states and then look the other way like you always do
How about you look up welfare in the blue States
Drain the dam swamp already we’ve had enough don’t care if it is a democrat or a republican Drain the Swamp!!!
Thanks OVOMIT!!! Asswipe!!!! Obama was nothing but a paid for by george Soros, and the elite’s on the left, check your history!! it’s been going on since the beginning of the Democratic Party!!! Obama is nothing but a lie. His wife Michelle or Michael is a transvestite !! Obama is gay those children were adopted!! He has lied to our country he is the 1 who signed off to sell our uranium to Russia look it up libtards!!! Clinton, This piece of lying pedophilia slime, has been corrupt since the Nixon error where she was kicked out of Watergate for being unethical ??? Watergate she was to unethical for Watergate!!!! Think about it!!! Look it up!!!! Lock her Up!!
The F**e Dossier, and the Clinton’s pedophile, sexual misconduct, rape, selling our Uranium to the Russians, dead people, stealing the DNC from Bernie Sanders Etc… background is what needs to be investigated!!!!!!!
Barack fancied himself El Duce.