We’ve arrived at an incredible time in our nation’s history where the Right and the Left accuse each other of being fascist. Dictators have learned from one another over time and developed a blueprint for closing down an open society. The map is time tested and you’ll find certain elements are completely necessary for authoritarian control of a society. How many of these are currently in play in the U.S.?
The 10 essential steps the state must implement to take total control are:
1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.
2. Create secret prisons where torture takes place.
3. Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens.
4. Set up an internal surveillance system.
5. Harass citizens’ groups.
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II DUCE! (fits our guy just as well as it did Benito)
Wake up America ! there is asaying “if you don’t learn from history, it will repeat itself “, it started in a sneak attack on 9/11 like it did in December 1941 and now we also have a repeat of Germany like in the late 1930’s with a socialist president
Obamas blue print , and if u dont think so , then u are as much of his plan hes depending on
Obama’s Plan! Wake Up Brain Dead Liberals!
Communist keep saying Fascist as if they AREN’T brewed in the same pot.
Pride cometh before destruction a haughty spirit before a fall. America has that pride thing going and our leaders are even worse. Yes America is heading for the fall. By electing the O-Bag twice grease was put on that so calledpole. He has been trying tp make America an Islamic Country, gettng God out of our military, off our currency, allowing evil to become good to help it along. The thing that he has done that has brought an even harsher faster judgement from God is to turn his back on Isreal. God said that He will Bless those that Bless Isreal and Curse those who Curse Isreal!! He also said Vengense is His. He WILL REPAY!!! Hold on to God America the storm from God is coming!!
What’s happening now follows these 10 steps and more. Unless we want to become the united communist states of America, we better do something.
I wish some retard democrat politican, debbie wassterstrom, or harry reid, or pelosi etc…would show up at my house and say, give me your guns…hahahahahaha, I’d probably p**s my self laughing and say are you serious? when they say yes, I’d open fire, at their melons…this isn’t russia, and the disarming of american citizens is tantamount to treason, by adhering to the enemies of the us, weaking the resolve of us forces to repel invasions and suppress rebellions…liberals, and their stupidity
Get ready for the executive order to stay in power due to cival unrest, Obama has his plan in motion, America, it was really nice knowing the Democracy I once knew, loved, and fought for. It’s now all of a matter of time as to when will all the lights go out America? When will a wheelbarrow of paper currency possibly get you a loaf of cheap white bread. Most ugly of all, is when they step in and tell me to lose my bible and stop the worshipping to Christ Jesus “my Lord!” I can stomach all other burdens, but that is when I personally draw my line in the dirt with them..
If this happens, there will be a total armed uprising against the socialist muslims.