We’ve arrived at an incredible time in our nation’s history where the Right and the Left accuse each other of being fascist. Dictators have learned from one another over time and developed a blueprint for closing down an open society. The map is time tested and you’ll find certain elements are completely necessary for authoritarian control of a society. How many of these are currently in play in the U.S.?
The 10 essential steps the state must implement to take total control are:
1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.
2. Create secret prisons where torture takes place.
3. Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens.
4. Set up an internal surveillance system.
5. Harass citizens’ groups.
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Watch WW2 footage of “The War” see what these murderous dictators told their people. “Let us do the thinking for you.”
All of these things are happening including changing our Army to an illegal Army they can control.
Joyce N John Rackley;
.. It All Started when “BUSH” signed the “PATRIOT ACT”, Been going side ways ever since’ My Son just came back from Afganistan an told me he was approached by Certain people for working for the GOV as a Guard’ I Fought for my Country an my Freedom to be FREE not to be DICTATED, That’s what I told him also’ So We are in for a World of CHIT in the near Future’
Our Political game is almost at an end. I wonder when Obama will reveal his true self.
Ann Rouse;
Obama has already stated that this is his ”KINGDOM” An He with Micheal also Stated That They don’t Like America or The People in more than one Video News Cast before it got Redacted’
Will we have anyone to stand up to these thugs???, Knew it was coming but thought it would take longer
Penny Bealer;
People are way too afraid of might happen if they speak out against the GOV. Due to being labled as terrorist But When The “CHIT” hits the fan so to speak Many People will become revolutionist’ FACT!!!!!
Better Wake the HELL Up AMERICA
How Did The Founding Fathers Expect Americans To Deal With Domestic Threats?
“To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike especially when young, how to use them.” (Richard Henry Lee, 1788, Initiator of the Declaration of Independence, and member of the first Senate, which passed the Bill of Rights.
It is his true self. He is a puppet ,not a player . Look for a person behind the curtain.
America was founded on two ideals.. 1) BELIEF IN GOD 2) THE RULE OF LAW.. NEGLECT EITHER ONE AND WE ARE FINISHED
All you need to remember is FREEDOM. If you give any part of it up, then you are going in the wrong direction.