Having apparently learned nothing from their complete and utter defeat in last November’s presidential and congressional elections, the Democrats have doubled down on their absurd hyperbole in an attempt to demonize Donald Trump and anyone associated with him.
After over a year of slamming the president during his campaign as a racist, sexist, homophobe, and any number of retrograde labels, you would think liberals would have realized that maybe calling people names and accusing them of holding the most base motives for their policy positions isn’t a winning strategy. But as you can tell by the incessant whining and moaning since November, it seems that they are more interested in nursing their shattered egos than learning from their mistakes.
Indeed, they have simply expanded the number of slurs and appellations they throw at Trump and anyone who so much as mildly disagrees with their beliefs.
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Her party had to be really stupid to vote her in, well, they are proving most of all those democrats are showing their stupidity.
How I h does she need I’ll help buy it.
she’s the best bullshitter in modern history
You are the hostile one.
While we, normal people, get up in the morning at have a cup of coffee, she takes a stupid pill!
Don’t think this so-called woman could hold a job at McDonalds!!!
Pathetic old brute, she does not know what she says and thinks, she has a terrible dementia, and the worst thing is that people are worse, because she believes … she goes for her personal interests, to be able to have her position so that she is not investigated and Touch it to go to jail..ignorante is one of the richest legislators to rib people …
Liberal are hostile look at all the
Riots, looting, they are absolutely nuts
How about defamation of character. This is uncalled for.
Nancy is hostile to babies in the womb. She is a radical baby killing Marxist.