Having apparently learned nothing from their complete and utter defeat in last November’s presidential and congressional elections, the Democrats have doubled down on their absurd hyperbole in an attempt to demonize Donald Trump and anyone associated with him.
After over a year of slamming the president during his campaign as a racist, sexist, homophobe, and any number of retrograde labels, you would think liberals would have realized that maybe calling people names and accusing them of holding the most base motives for their policy positions isn’t a winning strategy. But as you can tell by the incessant whining and moaning since November, it seems that they are more interested in nursing their shattered egos than learning from their mistakes.
Indeed, they have simply expanded the number of slurs and appellations they throw at Trump and anyone who so much as mildly disagrees with their beliefs.
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Nut job.
No Nancy, the Muslims you want here are disrespectful if women!!
Democrats are hostile to almost all Americans! Trump supports all patriotic Americans! The Democrat Party of today is the party of violent domestic terrorists such as members of the BLM Mob, the Moveon Mob, The New Black Panthers, and Calypso Louie’s Nation of Islam; America-hating subversive organizations such as La Raza and CAIR; the intolerant LGBT Mafia; Socialists; Communists; Islamic terrorists; anti-Semites; illegal immigrants; convicted felons, and other assorted undesirables! The Democrat Party has become the party of hate, bigotry, racism, intolerance, massive corruption, voter fraud and extreme violence. Democrats hate America, white people, Christians, Jews, heterosexuals, Conservatives, our military, the police and those who support the police. They hate our Constitution, especially the 1st and 2nd Amendments. They hate the rule of law, separation of powers, and the American flag. But they love our enemies as well as everything else that is evil!
I heard that he grabbed an ice cream cone out of a little kid with autism and shoved it in the face of an old woman .
Why would anyone believe a word that comes out of this woman’s mouth…
Come on Nancy by your way of thinking he should be confirmed to see how much he would hate women and children. Or in other words just shut the hell up.
Pelosi is hostile to all intelligent people.
To the people who keep voting Pelosi, Feinstein and Moonbeam Brown to office and are mad if you didn’t vote for Hillary, here’s your sign,,..
Her mama must have dropped her on the head when she was little.