On Thursday Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) used the time-honored race card, suggesting Republicans who won’t allow a vote on comprehensive immigration reform are racists. She said she believes the reform issue would be different if the illegal immigrants in question were from somewhere like Ireland.
If Pelosi wants actual open and honest debate how can it be helpful to use these race-baiting red herring tactics?
“I think race has something to do with the fact that they’re not bringing up an immigration bill,” she said at her weekly press conference. “I’ve heard them say to the Irish, ‘If it were just you, this would be easy.'”Pelosi and other Democrats have urged House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to allow a vote on an immigration bill that has support from a majority of the Democratic caucus and three GOP members.
So far, they haven’t had any luck: Boehner promised a piecemeal process, if anything, and has said passing even smaller-scale legislation could be difficult given distrust of the president within the Republican conference. Despite releasing principles for reform in January, there have been no votes on immigration legislation since then.
Pelosi said she believes the bill would pass if Boehner allowed a vote.
“Let’s have a debate,” she said. “We think the votes are there. We’re absolutely certain that they’re there.”
Source: Huffington Post
Photo: WeaselZippers
When Calif voters wake up!
A typical useless brainless clueless dumb democrat female member of congress. Another $#%&!@* who should be in jail for treason.
Why is this crazy broad still in office ?
I believe there should be immigration reform. The system is a mess, like everything else the government runs. That is very different from providing blanket amnesty to multi millions of ILLEGAL immigrants that are already here breaking US laws. Everyone should have to go through EXACTLY the same immigration process. Anything else is unsafe for Americans and unfair to all the immigrants that did the right thing and came here legally. No shortcuts to the front of the line. If that opinion makes me a racist, so be it!
Nancy you are an ass I ashamed of you. I hope you are not Italian I hope it is just your married name
When logic and reason escape the liberals, they always play the race card. I think that is more racist than anything else you can do.
Be glad when this witch is gone too!!!!!!!!
no one is going to bow to a insane person!
I do not want to disparage $#%&!@*, but she has $#%&!@* for brains.
They always play the race card because none of them is playing with a full deck.