House Democrats handed Obama a humiliating defeat by voting down his Pacific Rim trade bill on Friday in an unusual flip-flop of partisan support.
The House voted 302 to 126 to strike down a measure that would have granted Obama fast-track trade authority to complete a highly secretive trade deal that recently suffered under the exposure of its contents by Wikileaks.
In an unusual twist, Republicans bolstered the President’s bill while Democrats, including one Nancy Pelosi, helped kill it on the House floor.
He’s killing him self trying to kill us. Looks bad!
I call it the Washington Mafia, same tactics, same criminal intent only theirs affects the tax paying AMERICANS.
Is that chelsey
awwe poor baby
Every evil empire’s foundation is always built on faulty unstable ground the more they build on it’ll eventually topple over.
Good but it is a ploy. Its the game the FED want’s us to see.
A trip to Hawaii with all expenses paid by the American people
He is an idiot.
Nah. Whatever Pelosi did, it wasn’t in the best interest of American citizens, for sure. I resent like HELL these undisclosed, unread, undiscussed, “secret” deals! The ONLY reason to use that strategy is to HIDE just how bad they are screwing us.
She wants money for infrastructure.