House Democrats handed Obama a humiliating defeat by voting down his Pacific Rim trade bill on Friday in an unusual flip-flop of partisan support.
The House voted 302 to 126 to strike down a measure that would have granted Obama fast-track trade authority to complete a highly secretive trade deal that recently suffered under the exposure of its contents by Wikileaks.
In an unusual twist, Republicans bolstered the President’s bill while Democrats, including one Nancy Pelosi, helped kill it on the House floor.
Obama is the “KING OF THE BACKSTABBERS” What goes around, comes around.
It’s about time the commie did something right.
Yeah right. Trust is void with these individuals.
Maybe it’s a bait and switch, putting opponents at ease making them believe they will vote against the TPP, then suddenly we are all screwed.
Thank you
good Old Nancy struck again
Maybe she’s getting back at him for all the c**p she got for p$#%&!@*ing Obummercare and THEN seeing what was in it.
Impeach obama
He admitted that he “experimented ” with cocaine . With his growing erratic comments, I think he’s now a heavy user. Couple of lines out on the golf course, ahh, no problem.