House Democrats handed Obama a humiliating defeat by voting down his Pacific Rim trade bill on Friday in an unusual flip-flop of partisan support.
The House voted 302 to 126 to strike down a measure that would have granted Obama fast-track trade authority to complete a highly secretive trade deal that recently suffered under the exposure of its contents by Wikileaks.
In an unusual twist, Republicans bolstered the President’s bill while Democrats, including one Nancy Pelosi, helped kill it on the House floor.
Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t even tell people how she was going to vote, so I wouldn’t be giving her so much credit.
cant trust this woman.
I would have a hard time believing Pelosi doing anything sane and sober.
Do you mean Pelosi actually did something against Obama? hooray
Aw shucks, Pelosi wouldn’t do that to Obama would she???
they didn’t really want it
Ms. Stupid strikes again. LOL
Pelosi, Obama, Reid, Kerry > their first letter of their name spells PORK !
Good for her.