Republicans have been saying it for years and branded ‘conspiracy theorists’ whenever they do: The real reason Democrats champion open borders and illegal immigration is that they want to rig elections in their favor.
Nancy Pelosi confirmed that theory on Thursday when she called for illegal immigrants to have the right to vote.
The desperation reveals just how much trouble the Democratic party is in. They know they are losing their base to the GOP as employment among minorities in Trump’s economy has achieved levels not yet seen in the nation’s history. Minorities and legal immigrants also favor Trump’s stance on immigration. ‘No border no country’ is hardly a concept lost on anyone who has two brain cells to rub together. Save the kool-aide, por favor.
President Trump’s approval rating among Latinos shot up nearly 20 points from December to January in the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll. 50 percent of Latinos now support the job Trump is doing, quite a jump from the 31 percent who had the same answer in a December poll.
Wow, just heard that my poll numbers with Hispanics has gone up 19%, to 50%. That is because they know the Border issue better than anyone, and they want Security, which can only be gotten with a Wall.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2019
Some polls indicate that Trump’s approval rating among African American voters is close to 20%. That is far higher than the 8% of the African-American vote that Trump received on Election Day 2016.
However, a recent Rasmussen Reports poll showed African-American approval of Trump at 36%. That shouldn’t come as such a surprise. Blacks are waking up to the failures of the Dems to forward their standing as well as what a great job President Trump is doing for their communities. In the words of Herman Cain, “Mark my words: Donald J. Trump will be the most pro-black president in our lifetime.”
Needless to say, it’s time for the Democrats to throw a Hail Mary and go all in, as Nancy Pelosi is doing.
Turn the page for Pelosi’s remarks.
It is time to call democrats and their party what they are …. radical terrorists.
Her remarks are nothing less than treasonous. She has totally abdicated her responsibilities to the oath she took.
This woman is absolutely nuts. That would be like any of our American citizens going to Italy France South Africa Japan where ever in expecting to be able to vote in their elections. There is not a chance of that happening and for good reason.
She is living proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.
When my wife came to America she came the proper & LEGAL way. She had a green card for several years and even though she came here from a staunch Allie of our,The United Kingdom,And she could Not vote UNTIL, Thru legal & proper channels She swore her oath at the federal courthouse with many others and LEGALLY became a Citizen of the United States of America . Why would we want to give law breakers without so much as a visa vote in our city, county, state or ESPECIALLY Federal Elections ? That’s more than a totally disrespectful slap in the face to hundreds of millions law abiding immigrants since the start of our country’s founding. Not just NO !! But HELL NO !!!!
Amen for this! Jim B
I’m so tired of the woman. She (the bitch who is not for the American people) needs to be gone. She does not care about me my children or my grandchildren. Whom are all Americans. In this country legally. Born here our ancestors came over on the ships. I’ve traced them back. It’s not hard to do. She is a cancer to our Society. she is not or controller. She need to stop!!!!!!. I will never vote for anything she is for…. Americans first. Enough said.
What bulls–t! She really thinks that we don’t see thru words? Welcome them here as full citizens, assimilate into our ways? Make us more american? Right! Just like all of the Somali’s, who stay to their own kind, believe in sharia law, have stated that they will never asimilate to american way of life. All Pelosi wants is to remain in power by allowing everyone and anyone that comes to America the right to vote! Can’t speak or read the language. Yeah right!
Bullcrap they are illegal. They broke the law ,
All Pelosi and the Democrats want are more votes for more power .
This proves what I said a few months back. The sole reason of giving “illegal immigrants” drivers licenses was so they would have a photo I.D. to vote. It had nothing to do with their driving. I can’t stand this woman, never could but this is the end. She should look up the requirements to vote. 1. You must be an American Citizen. It’s the first item. Also let me remind her of the term “illegal” before immigrant. I’ve got no problem with immigrants coming here legally but they should never be given American born rights! This is unconstitutional! Yes come here the right way have a better life no problem, but American born rights are for Americans!