On Monday, the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP called for the removal of the a sculpture that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson from Stone Mountain Park. The massive sculpture careved into the mountain measures 90-foot-high, 190-foot-wide.
How far will the purging of symbols of the Confederacy go?
They are becoming more stupid by the minute…
I keep asking with all the hype about being equal….why do we still have NAACP??? Where is NAAWP?? Fair is fair!!
I call for a riot if they are allowed to sandblast
Oh shut up!
You know why this country is not doing anything, I really believe Obama wants a revolution. With everything that’s going on and America not doing anything or our government (obama) not doing anything I really believe Obama wants the American citizens to go nuts and just start going off and revolt that’s why he has the military in place. I think he wants a big war on American soil against the American people and the military. It just makes sense. You know how many American citizens are sick and tired of everything that’s going on and the government not doing anything about it. Obama wants the military to fight Americans on American soil. Look at Jade helm how the military spread out everywhere and then the American people gets all pissed off and want to fight, so the military will fight the American citizens. Obama is not dumb he knows what he’s doing
Stone mountain makes way to much money will never happen
I call for the removal of the black museum in Washington DC.
No way. Stop these insane people.
Ain’t there more worthwhile things in life to complain about
Get a GRIP people!!! what if YOUR heritage were systematically stripped away, bit by bit…what if “Afro-Americans” were having their “heritage” stripped way????(even though 90% are NOT from Africa????