On Monday, the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP called for the removal of the a sculpture that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson from Stone Mountain Park. The massive sculpture careved into the mountain measures 90-foot-high, 190-foot-wide.
How far will the purging of symbols of the Confederacy go?
There is a point when things become insane.
You are erasing your history you dam idiots.
Leave our national landmarks alone. It’s apart of who we were and how far we have come as a people. They talk about how “racist” white people are. Blacks are far more racist than we could ever be. No one should be. We are all Americans.
It would only take the changing of an at$#%&!@*ude, one split second, for people to return to the ways of the past. What would the situation look like if “The South” comes alive and divides a nation again? There were thirteen states that joined the Confederacy the last time, Union soldiers under order prevented Maryland from voting to join as that was their intent. So that would of been 14 states. I personally believe if truth were to come out now, that even in the most liberal states including M$#%&!@*achusetts, Vermont, and New York, they all would vote to join the Confederacy today. Liberals love a cause, and fight for cause, but they want only others to change, not them. After 150 years of seeing what blacks do, paying for what blacks do, and putting up with all of the nonstop be ands from blacks, I think one can be $#%&!@*ured that only a small percentage of people would say no if the issue of secession came up again. The blacks have shown how problematic and expensive they are, and only a vote would send them back to the cotton fields. They really need to grow up and become responsible instead of thinking that throwing tantrums is the way to life.
Don’t do it!
These people have too much time on their hands…much bigger things need their attention.
Well, seeing as how one of the spokespeople for the NAACP is a white woman pretending to be black, I’m thinking they will have the common sense to remove her and any likeness of her existence from any and/or all historical records. Seems legit.
I call for the closer of the NAACP its racist against my white heritage!!
Again screw the naacp.