On Monday, the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP called for the removal of the a sculpture that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson from Stone Mountain Park. The massive sculpture careved into the mountain measures 90-foot-high, 190-foot-wide.
How far will the purging of symbols of the Confederacy go?
Imagine if you will say we had a very racist white President who hated black people so much that he tried to wipe out the entire black culture and heritage in America. Everything of black culture he tried to ban or outlaw. Would you lend your voice and speak out in defense of saving black culture and heritage from being erased from America ? I would I love black culture and heritage how it has helped build and make America what it is today. Currently we have a very racist black President who hates white people , wants to remove any whiteness from America , disrespects white dead Civil War Veteran Heroes on both sides he hate all white people that much and wants to wipe out all white culture or heritage from America. That is why I speak out to always honor the confederate flag it’s about heritage and a racist dictator trying to re-write history. Now if you all decide to bulldoze The White House because it was built with actual slave labor I might support that. https://youtu.be/NxEVBnnUOD0
It has gone too far already. We all need to put a stop to this.
Well I want the NAACP dismantled. , they are racist and they offend me! How’s that !They can’t have it just one way !!!!!!
You all act surprised. Your first clue should have been when Obama’s White House removed @[108002259228104:274:Winston Churchill]’s bust. But was forced to return it.
The NAACP is a Racist group that needs to be removed from the planet
lets just remove the NAACP….
The fact u think that has anything to do with anything that is happening in current times proves who the idiot is. Hiding behind the past what are you hiding? Ur a racist aren’t you. Ya ur a racist.
They aren’t segregated they only fight for black rights. That’s a racist organization all day.
This needs to be stopped, plain an simple.. This has gone to far