On Monday, the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP called for the removal of the a sculpture that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson from Stone Mountain Park. The massive sculpture careved into the mountain measures 90-foot-high, 190-foot-wide.
How far will the purging of symbols of the Confederacy go?
NAACP was started BY white people Lmbaooooo boy you idiots don’t even know history
Let’s erase Africa off the map too since they were sold from there to begin with. If they hate it here so much MOVE BACK.
Just like ISIS the Taliban and Marxists… they burn books, outlaw ideas and blow up relics. Cut from the same cloth.
Then remove the statue of dr. Martin luther king! Whats fair is fair.
Lmbaooooo idiots
How remove the NAACP for being a bunch of racist dumb$#%&!@*es.
If you don’t like it go back to Africa!!!
How far will it go? The deterioration of American history has one end game intention, do away with The Cons$#%&!@*ution. If you can’t see that you not looking.
This is our heritage. No matter what you do, it happened.
Erasing history for political correctness is the New Ice Bucket Challenge and it’s not only destroying our past and present , but our future as well. Really want to forget about all the horrific stuff in past history so that it may repeat it’s self again in the future ? I do not support demonizing The Confederate Flag and it was Anti-Christ wanna be Obama who did that in just one speech ! One of the conditions for surrender and ending the civil war was that The Confederate Flag , wounded and war dead always be respected. One should also note that all the Civil War fighters on both sides were equally AMERICAN CITIZENS as of July 4th , 1776 . So ask yourselves what will be next political correctness demonizes ? Should we bust open the tombs of UNKNOWN SOLDIERS because there might be some bones up in there belonging to those who fought for the South ?https://youtu.be/7qJ_830i1rE