On Monday, the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP called for the removal of the a sculpture that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson from Stone Mountain Park. The massive sculpture careved into the mountain measures 90-foot-high, 190-foot-wide.
How far will the purging of symbols of the Confederacy go?
Libtards think that their rights trump everine else’s. And Conservanuts are no better
Yes we are! : ) way better. I’m better! Lol
Screw the NAACP, I call for Disbanning that Racist Organization !!
Screw the NAACP.
Let it go
@[574747565911344:274:Truth And Action] it’ll stop when all things that are politically incorrect are erased, all of us who REMEMBER them are dead and the nation being raised and taught on lies emerges
Ben Jealous: the most appropriately named leader of the NAACP.
Whats next blowing up mout rushmore? Two of them owned slaves