Since mid-August there have been several quiet media reports about hundreds of dead birds washing ashore from mid-coastal Alaska all the way down the West Coast to Washington, Oregon and clear to the beaches of Southern California.
It not merely masses of birds…apparently the fish and the seals seem to be missing in great numbers, too.
What could the problem be? Perhaps some answers are on the next page:
Man shall defile the earth and make it inhabitable
The predict that in 2016 the west coast will feel the full effect of the nuclear accident from Japan
Japan nuclear leak.
The only mystery is at what point will the radiation start killing humans?
While the are testing the water, they need to see what effect the axial volcano is having on water quality.
Fukushima radiation dummies.
Just four words: Ra di a tion!
Japanese nuclear reactor still pouring regular mass amounts of radiation into the ocean?!!
It’s all gonna burn we’re all gonna die at some point it’s gonna happen. That’s a simple fact deal with it get over it, live, love, laugh and enjoy what time we all have left. Stop stressing death comes to us all.
this is suspicious because of the Chinese warships that were spotted of the coast