Since mid-August there have been several quiet media reports about hundreds of dead birds washing ashore from mid-coastal Alaska all the way down the West Coast to Washington, Oregon and clear to the beaches of Southern California.
It not merely masses of birds…apparently the fish and the seals seem to be missing in great numbers, too.
What could the problem be? Perhaps some answers are on the next page:
The Pacific coast waters die?
Me either and I’m way up north where it’s our bread and butter. I’ll eat local but that’s hard too because of the illegal dumping of all sorts of nasties.:(
It’s a shame what is happening to our Earth, we are doing irreparable damage. Again it’s sad :/
With much worse to come. By the time the corporations find out they can’t eat money, it’ll be too late.
Well if u zoom into the pic here its star fish not even Birds…
Are we slowly destroying our nature? We have not realized yet the causes…why? Or, we just ignored for anyway, we are not the cause, but somebody did? Should we do something, but how,when capitalist,industrialist are giants? Leaders, please do something for us!
I think it may be Bush’s fault.
The prophecy
Where’s “moonbeam’s” Solution….???
Radiation poisoning maybe