Early Wednesday morning masked arsons burned down the headquarters of Gawahi TV, a Christian television station located in Karachi, Pakistan. Gawahi TV, founded in February 2013 through a collaboration of Catholics and Protestants, broadcasts to an audience of some 12 million people who are interested in hearing about the gospel of Jesus Christ in a nation that is about 90% Muslim.
The TV station, which ran 24 hours a day and offered Bible reflections, hymns, sermons and Christian youth teaching, was beset from the beginning by threats of violence from Muslim radicals but was not provided with security from authorities despite ongoing requests for such protection.
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You wont hear about that on media
Suprised, not
muslims in the world just will not have peace. It is time for the world to declare islam a cancer and destroy it, Old Testament style.
Sounds like a hate crime, lib’s
I for one hate the islamic cult. Anyone in it or symopthizes with it needs to be hung.
Disgusting behavior,but they are barbarians!!!!
These people are animals. We MUST keep Obama from bringing them here.
Guess it’s open season on mosques
Two Words… God’s Wrath!