Without fear of the British authorities, Muslims took over the Blackwell Tunnel in London, openly displaying jihadist sentiments and waving Al Qaeda and Islamic State Flags.
The Islamist protesters blocked the route through the tunnel temporarily trapping other motorists.
An interesting comment from the original YouTube video by user CharmingLordSausage reads:
As an Englishman, I have some bad news. My nation is dying. We are slowly losing control of our cities. Soon, the great Islamic uprisings will take place. Riots, purges, the first emirates. Entire counties will be lost. There will be no united English response because no one believes in the nation state anymore. Besides, the Left control the discourse. By 2050, an Islamic regime will be in full control of Parliament. By then, Muslims will be 40pc of the population. No amount of flag waving and marching can put off the inevitable. Enjoy what remains of your freedom. Your memories of your time in the sun will serve to warm you as we enter the new dark age.
These hate curlers need to be eradicated.
Mayor probably organized this
Isis couldn’t communicate with the drug cartel if there were no drug cartel and if drugs were not illegal then there would be no drug cartel you thought they would have learned that in Al Capone’s day
“Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?”
Kill them all !
Flame thrower!
Kill em…oh wait.. no guns.. … Move to America..buy guns…
Fucking idiots. First of all, it is the BLACKWALL Tunnel. Secondly, don’t you think if this was the case, it would have been mentioned in the UK press. truth and Action wouldn’t know the truth if it walked up to them and slipped them silly. Stop encouraging hatred of Muslims with LIES.
Our way of life is on the line. The world as we know it will cease to exist. France, Belgium, Sweden, Germany and The U.K. Is already capitulating to sharia law. We were at war with Muslims for 32yrs through 4 presidents. Fighting them initiated our navy. They were always our enemy. Don’t be fooled. It’s called Taqiyya lying and gaining the trust of your enemy to slaughter them in the name of Allah. Another facet is Muruna the infiltration of a country’s government to have in place Muslims to overthrow the government. Which is permitted against infidels. Just face facts they will NEVER assimilate into western life. Brutality is not far from the surface. It’s in their nature barbarians savages something at which they excel. They worship death while we worship life and liberty. They are the Trojan horse the immigrants, and little by little they are using our laws against us while we obey the law they seek to change it to benefit their cult and way of life. Muslim women can’t even speak they are slaves. We can’t let our guard down Subjugating women and Child rape! We don’t need this in our country!! Yes!! The women’s March was the biggest joke and all the cockroaches came out of the woodwork.Every few hundreds of years we are fighting Islam again. It is a cult from the 7th century. And now we are being inundated again with immigrants who do not share our western world. They will never assimilate and sharia law is against our constitution. So face facts. The war has gotten worse and many countries will erupt in violence it has begun. If you look into the depths of these mosques you will find seething hatred for the western culture.
Export or execute!