Without fear of the British authorities, Muslims took over the Blackwell Tunnel in London, openly displaying jihadist sentiments and waving Al Qaeda and Islamic State Flags.
The Islamist protesters blocked the route through the tunnel temporarily trapping other motorists.
An interesting comment from the original YouTube video by user CharmingLordSausage reads:
As an Englishman, I have some bad news. My nation is dying. We are slowly losing control of our cities. Soon, the great Islamic uprisings will take place. Riots, purges, the first emirates. Entire counties will be lost. There will be no united English response because no one believes in the nation state anymore. Besides, the Left control the discourse. By 2050, an Islamic regime will be in full control of Parliament. By then, Muslims will be 40pc of the population. No amount of flag waving and marching can put off the inevitable. Enjoy what remains of your freedom. Your memories of your time in the sun will serve to warm you as we enter the new dark age.
Stop the Muslim invasion of our country!!!
Karl Susmark That is why the Americans feel safe! Heavily armed makes NO difference when a country like Sweden and Germany are being overtaken by Muslims.This is happening in America.
The invasion is a takeover from WITHIN America, town by town!
HOW? BY Americans VOTING IN Congressmen, Governors, Judges, teachers, ProfessorsAnd so forth.
Our LAWS can be changed by them or taught or judged by them. The more money they make, the more they can advance! Why do you think they are courts suing for so many things??
They use discrimination as a tool to achieve their plans.
Also, ourArmed forces and equipment was reduced, big time during ObAMA!
What forces we have are usually for over seas invasions and invasion protection, not for the inside job intended for America!
Shoot them!!!
Have you ever been to a farm and watched athe pigs wallering in the mud to see who can gain the upper hand! It kinda reminds me of a Muslim strugling for power!
The Brits have been deaf, dumb, and blind! You reap what you sow.
Sadly it can happen. Small towns first. Then bigger towns.. states. Why we need to address this now. We have to unite and march to let our concerns and voice be heard. Politicians need to hear us. Muslims must be deported. Muslim immigration stopped immediately. If the politicians can not defend us we must overturn them and protect ourselves. Why are people unable to visualize what we will be leaving out next generations if we don’t end this Muslim invasion now. The Trojan horse.
Karl Susmark WAKE UP!
When you have a take over of a country, it is done bit by bit! Usually done by voting in more and more Muslims and adding their laws and voting out the old. That includes Presidents, Governors, Congressmen, Mayors, Judges, Professors, etc.
They would change our laws to their favors which are anti American!
How do you think Rome fell? It was from the inside.
When our laws can be changed, then a country can be taken over by ANY group!
This “Muslim take over” must be stopped!!!
If people of London get tired of the bs, they will know what to do about it?
We deserve what we tolerate !