The streets of London seem to always be just as exciting as they’re made out to be in movies and fiction. This week, over a thousand British Muslims blocked off a central London square to call for a Caliph, while chanting ‘Allahu Akbar.’ They even had a poet on hand to spill the beans about their master plan. That last sentence was intended to rhyme, but when in Rome. To a cheering crowd, the poet stood outside the Syrian Embassy talking about needing a Caliph to clean up the streets, backhand missiles and dominate the world. Apparently when you become a Muslim Caliph, you’re gifted with super powers and a tendency towards world domination.
Besides the poet, the protestors heard speeches by Moazzam Begg, Dilly Hussain and Hizb ut-Tahrir, who each are involved with a Muslim publication of some kind. What each of their speeches had in common was a blatant admittance to not supporting the British government and a desire to take over the country.
The protests got underway at about 9pm and went well into the night.
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Can you spell machine gun?
Move to saudi
Please. Go. Home.
Deport all Muslims
Yadda, yadda, yadda, pecker head.
Bite me sand flea
Round them up and deprot them!
Ill never under stand why they want Caliphate so bad. So you want someone with total control to rule over you as slaves? Have at it I suppose. I guess us brainwashed ‘Mericans are just as much slaves and anyone else. Even if you “Buy” a house, you still are required to ‘rent’ if from the state in the form of sales tax till your dead so I guess none of us are really every free. Lousy times we live in.
These rags have the entire Arabian desert for their caliphate but no the want it next to the Syrian Embassy.
They should just kill themselves now. Get the virgins, live with their god and be over with it already. We have bills to pay, don’t have time for this$#%&!@*