This past September Muslims took to the streets of New York City in what was suppose to be a moderate display of their religion. Instead, there were very graphic scenes of terrorism, like a white woman being hung with a noose, people carrying a banner that had eliminated Israel from the map, women being held in cages as in Boko Haram, etc.
I cannot believe this happening in my country! GOD HELP US ALL!
Obama’s father was kicked out of the United States and
Placed on the do not enter file in the 1950’s
He will due anything to maintain this view he has that he’s right and were all wrong king Obama
People just don’t get it yet, This is showing moderate Islam for what it is, There is no such thing as a radical Muslim there is only Islam, They are all radical, some just hide it better than others
if anyone promotes terrorism in USA they are not promoting a religion they are terrorist ! their Muslim religion promotes terrorism in every non believer state BS
What this really tells me is there is no reason in the world to ever go to NYC. They are either cowards or our enemy. You choose.
I would have shot him.
Let them. The weakest mother $#%&!@*ers are the loudest. Those who are quiet, will always cause riots
Really!!! WTF is wrong with America!! I would have thought at least NY would have stood up against them. Especially after 9/11…..not cave
Fukin towel heads.