This past September Muslims took to the streets of New York City in what was suppose to be a moderate display of their religion. Instead, there were very graphic scenes of terrorism, like a white woman being hung with a noose, people carrying a banner that had eliminated Israel from the map, women being held in cages as in Boko Haram, etc.
Really prove this really happen and the guy in the photo is Muslim he a red neck in cammo show people will believe anything instead of looking for the rel truth
This is totally the wrong way to go about things. It just make the U.S. look as bad as other country when we portrayed ourself that way. The guys put this whole thing together is should not be proud of themselves.
So I ask y’all this… When illegal aliens burns my flag( ours ) in our country at our capitals and no one does anything about why the hell are you upset that muslims show their hate about us…. Deport All of them then declare war then kill all of them and find yourself free to live free but what ever else you do please do not vote stupid again and put another dumbass in office as our president!!!!!!!!
If we tolerate evil in our midst, we will become victims to it. I do NOT plan to be a victim. Ship their butts back to the middle East, take away ALL passports of US citizens who support and train with terrorist. do NOT allow them back into this Country. If they are here, arrest them for treason!!! Evil must be eradicated and fall! Let FREEDOM RING!
That good ol’ first amendment, except true Americans don’t get that anymore, it’s everyone else.
Mark Muffick, you sir, are a genius. Lol
Bryan Eagon Americans who are Muslim are 100% pure American, just like you. Bad folks exist in everything, Please don’t make assumptions about other people
Way to assume he was specifically targeting Muslims dilliam.
the TRUTH is that ACTION needs to be TAKEN and REMOVE this trash from OUR country and OFF the face of the earth, swiftly and violently!
time to run them out of the usa and they can take king obaaaaaama with them