This past September Muslims took to the streets of New York City in what was suppose to be a moderate display of their religion. Instead, there were very graphic scenes of terrorism, like a white woman being hung with a noose, people carrying a banner that had eliminated Israel from the map, women being held in cages as in Boko Haram, etc.
I can promise you this, if there is any sort or rag head or Muslim that comes at me I will put you in the ground
What a great time to dispense any leftover agent Orange or any other outdated chemicals we have sitting around collecting dust !!!
Our service men in the military don’t fight and die for this stuff to happen on the streets of our home
Jesus said Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.Allah is a demon disguised to be God all them muslims are being deceved by the devil himself. is going to get ugly here nation will rise againt nation ethnic group against ethnic group. For sure ima be defending my brother and sisters in Jesus Christ but i know most wont want to fight.
Wow do people know were in 2014 not 1930z
They use our freedoms against us. They pervert the US Constitution to advance their agenda. Which is domination !!
“They pervert the US Constitution to advance their agenda.”
Just like Scalia!
DaNang, Vietnam ’67-’68
To bad the post is a lie, the headline twists the reality out of context and claims that it portrays one thing when it really showed another.
Simple answer – the float with the hanging effigy was in protest of Egypt’s repressive military junta. Hint: The mannikin is wearing an Egyptian flag. It had nothing to do with terrorism or threatening the U.S.
Silly people
This is NOT promoting terrorism, people. They are trying to explain to you what they are suffering in Egypt. They are attempting to show you their experiences through images. Apparently they got your attention but you are still failing to PAY attention.