This past September Muslims took to the streets of New York City in what was suppose to be a moderate display of their religion. Instead, there were very graphic scenes of terrorism, like a white woman being hung with a noose, people carrying a banner that had eliminated Israel from the map, women being held in cages as in Boko Haram, etc.
Why is this even allowed? Especially in NYC??
While I may or may not agree with what they are doing, it is still their right to do it. As long as it’s a peaceful demonstration, no one has a right to stop them. Kinda like when the KKK has a rally. If we start selectively deciding who can protest and censor what they say, we are taking away from the very freedoms our forefathers believed in so much that they included it in the constitution. Whether we agree with it or not.
Be a white guy and try that chit….riots among us. You may bet your a**e….
Get the hell out of America, you terrorist SCUMBAGS!!!
doug says:
“Look up some of the biggest Atheist spokespeople on the internet, and you’ll find that almost all of them despise Islam above all others, and feel that it is the greatest threat to this world of any movement.”
At this point Miss Diaz, concerning terrorism in the world right now, it isn’t Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindis or Atheists who are doing 98% of the murdering through terrorism right now. It’s Islamic (Muslim) terrorists who are doing the raping, the torturing & the murdering for their so-called god Allah. Much of what little is left is being done by non-religious gangs like the Mexican cartels. They act exactly like Muslim terrorists. You can try & lay all the blame you want for worldwide terrorism on these other religions, but you would be wrong. Islamic terrorism is to blame for almost all of it, especially since about 1992, give or take a few years. PERIOD. And it’s gotten much worse since Obama became President because he is a Muslim sympathizer, supporter & enabler. He has been giving American money & weapons to Islamic terrorist organizations for years. Don’t believe me? Then why did he & Sec of State Kerry pledge to give $47 million to Hamas so they could buy more missiles to fire at Israel & rebuild their tunnels into Israel so they could sneek into Israel to kill & kidnap Jews? Wake up & smell the deception in the world for God’s sake!
they must be dealt with now !! these creatures do not belong in our country – murder & rape & any form of terrorism are not welcome in the world or our country !!!!
I hate muslims..really do
Our corrupt government aids the muslims that are killing our finest. They are all guilty of treason.
Sent the Dune Coons home now !!!!!!!!!!