This past September Muslims took to the streets of New York City in what was suppose to be a moderate display of their religion. Instead, there were very graphic scenes of terrorism, like a white woman being hung with a noose, people carrying a banner that had eliminated Israel from the map, women being held in cages as in Boko Haram, etc.
And the scum bag mayor does nothing and the bias liberal media is quiet
Wake up America this is what they do, divide, stir up. take away our life and freedoms.
AFTER 911 you would think there was one AMERICAN in NYC that would have switched these dummies around…Come to MARYLAND COWARD
I can’t believe after 9-11 that the people of NYC would even allow these jackasses a place in their City?
Ship him back
No but the city can tell you what ounce of soda you must drink!
Hatred and terrorism seem to be all these people are about. Didn’t anyone ever love them you think? LOL..idiots abound.
But if someone sneezes you better not say God bless you, you better not fly an American flag on your property and you better not wear your military uniform to take your kids to school, He is giving our country to the terrorists and making up rules as he goes along and letting others do the same!!!
Ain’t that the truth???
I feel like Phil Robertson, if I can’t convert the list soul of this man, KILL the man so that others that are here will suffer the same fate if they are in the same category. It is either kill or be killed. The Lord God Almighty is more powerful than these terrorist. Behead the terrorist before he has a chance to kill again. Do not lock him up. Quit wasting our hard earned tax dollars and kill the man. Show everyone that we are serious about our freedom (One Nation Under God – not one nation under satan.