This past September Muslims took to the streets of New York City in what was suppose to be a moderate display of their religion. Instead, there were very graphic scenes of terrorism, like a white woman being hung with a noose, people carrying a banner that had eliminated Israel from the map, women being held in cages as in Boko Haram, etc.
Enlightened says:
“Everyone has been talking about the constitution. Well I have to say it really bothers me how many take what it says out of context, or reverse what it says to make it mean the opposite of what it really is saying. Read you Constitution and you will see that the freedom of religion was not the right to worship ANY god. It was the right to worship the Christian God in any way one chose to. separation of church and state was not to keep the church out of Government, but to keep the Government from controlling how the church was ran. Freedom of speech, that one is tricky. If based on the original law it was the freedom to go peaceably to the government officials and verbalize griences without the fear of punishment. People, research your laws. it has changed some. Now it states obscenity, any speech or display that may indicate clear and present danger or potential criminal activities towards individuals or the government are not protected. This is what our constitution says, even if you throw out the religion one, you still have the rest that they violated.”
Everyone has been talking about the constitution. Well I have to say it really bothers me how many take what it says out of context, or reverse what it says to make it mean the opposite of what it really is saying. Read you Constitution and you will see that the freedom of religion was not the right to worship ANY god. It was the right to worship the Christian God in any way one chose to. separation of church and state was not to keep the church out of Government, but to keep the Government from controlling how the church was ran. Freedom of speech, that one is tricky. If based on the original law it was the freedom to go peaceably to the government officials and verbalize griences without the fear of punishment. People, research your laws. it has changed some. Now it states obscenity, any speech or display that may indicate clear and present danger or potential criminal activities towards individuals or the government are not protected. This is what our constitution says, even if you throw out the religion one, you still have the rest that they violated.
It’s america we should be allowed to promote anything but we can’t.
this is also the one site that says congress is going after the 1st amendment. Didn’t know Pam Geller had her own channel now and i’d bet money the event planners for the muslim parade are zionists.
If you are defending slavery, murder, kidnapping, rape, Terrorism, Barack Obama’s and Hillary’s Arab Spring, Sharia Law, CAIR, the ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Hamas, and each radical Islamic Terrorists, and hate, I don’t care what your motives are, you are wrong.
what did you expect! we are going to have a fight on our hands soon. take this as a warning from the muslins
If they don’t want to become americans they can go HOME!!!!!
No Robert Oler you need to wake up from your liberal dream world!!!!!!!
Frederick Horning Brian Lorusso. I bet these people are running our union too!
They use our laws to promote their evil; and then want to change our country to resemble theirs! Go home, we are sick of you!