This past September Muslims took to the streets of New York City in what was suppose to be a moderate display of their religion. Instead, there were very graphic scenes of terrorism, like a white woman being hung with a noose, people carrying a banner that had eliminated Israel from the map, women being held in cages as in Boko Haram, etc.
And if NYC allows this CANCER to grow and masticize, the Muslims will gobble up the entire city and evict or kill all non Muslims.
next thing the world witness would be stoning demonstration
hope someone kicked his ass
They did…. their religion is about Hatred and Racism. I believe they were looking to insight violence and the parade should NOT be allowed again.
Let’s be careful here!
Maybe charging them with inciting riot would work.
Deport ALL Muslims and keep them out! That includes Obama!
No the 1st amendment does not allow them to make threats like that and show and talk about hanging us and murdering us that is TERRORISM and since their book and that is ALL it is is a book and that book is a MURDERS MANUAL ORDERS THEM to MURDER anyone and that means ANYONE that will not convert to the TERRORIST ORG that MUSLIMS ARE ALL IN. Muslim IS NOT a religion it is trying to pass itself off as a religion but IT IS NOT and what they ARE Darrell is a Terrorist ORGANIZATION. And since 9-11 and other attacks against the twin towers and the Bombing of the Boston Maraton and the fact that they have been recruiting Americans to go MURDER people Innocent people as a part of ISIS and other MUSLIM groups you cannot allow these terroristic TREATS on the streets. If anyone is kill by a muslim again in America its time to shut them down
Time to open up a BBQ pork stand right during next years parade.
This is gross …. Really New York you permitted this to happen ?
Inciting violence or a riot should be forbidden. Charge them or take them off the street. OBAMA DON’T CARE.