This past September Muslims took to the streets of New York City in what was suppose to be a moderate display of their religion. Instead, there were very graphic scenes of terrorism, like a white woman being hung with a noose, people carrying a banner that had eliminated Israel from the map, women being held in cages as in Boko Haram, etc.
When you relies it’s all the c.I.a.
Why is that a-hole wearing camo? 2nd amendment needs to reply!
RichardS1963 says:
“Are you saying it’s Bush’s fault? If so you are so stupid you need adult supervision.”
And where was CNN MCNBC o golfing with Obama
Will show you in November
Where is the local militia while all this is going on. Time to kick some ass and just take the damn names I forget the name just kicked ass
awwwwwww snuggles for you all ♥
If the government continues on the on the road of submission because we have an anti-American in the White House, the people will have to stand up. Drop the lie of the mythical moderate Muslims and get this cult of murders out of our country. Evil prevails when the good are silent.
Kick them out of our country !!
Try that down in the south and see what happens I guarantee there would be a couple butts kicked up around our damn necks that is a guarantee I guarantee it and I cannot believe not one person stepped up in that city and didn’t show there or do you know what but I’m sure and hopefully thank him that some people protested their sales are against this kind of stuff and close to 911 at that what a slap in the face to all the people that died all the people that worked cleaning at that site all the city officials and to the city in general what a disgrace what is that sorry you know what Mayor doing about this that is under the new terrorism act a federal crime promoting violence that is in there follow the law mayor follow the law governor follow the law senators and help your people the things you were sworn to do that is against the lawprotest and is not peacefully but with weapons who wants to know if they was real or not represent your people up there or get the hell out of office
It’s not our country no more they think of stairs because nobody here will stand up that’s why they’re doing what they are doing what’s so hard to understand about that disgraceful very disgraceful