This past September Muslims took to the streets of New York City in what was suppose to be a moderate display of their religion. Instead, there were very graphic scenes of terrorism, like a white woman being hung with a noose, people carrying a banner that had eliminated Israel from the map, women being held in cages as in Boko Haram, etc.
it’s time to stop tucking your tail between your legs and decide how you want to live or better yet how you want your KIDS to live in this country……..this is the legacy you’re leaving them if you sit by and do nothing
They need to be deported.
They hate our culture, our democracy, our traditions, yet the hypocrites use our very “freedoms” against us ! Of course, this is Not without extreme help from our very own Islamic Marxist president !
Deport them all
They have DeBlasio on their side!!!
This is another very sad and sick day in America. That we would even allow them to to do this. America needs to wake up or there going to take over our country.
What it all comes down to is prepare to defend yourselves.
Subject: Fwd: Catholic Eye-Opener
* Charity Hospital run by the Sisters of Charity in New Orleans, along with the Upjohn company developed the plasma system in the 1930’s that saved so many lives in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and in the middle east now.
During the Civil War most of the nurses were nuns.
Even if you are not Catholic, this is eye opening:
When the Catholic Church was founded, there were no hospitals. Today, one out of five people in this country receive their medical care at a Catholic hospital.
When the Catholic Church was founded, there were no schools. Today, the Catholic Church teaches 3 million students a day, in its more than 250 Catholic Colleges and Universities, in its more than 1200 Catholic High Schools and its more than 5000 Catholic grade schools.
Every day, the Catholic Church feeds, clothes, shelters and educates more people than any other organization in the world.
The new Obama Health Mandate could end all this and the tax payers would have to make up the loss.
Also, all Catholic adoption services will come to an end.. a human disaster.
There are more than 77 million Catholics in this country. It takes an estimated 50 million Catholic votes to elect a president.
I am asking all of you to go to the polls in 2016 and be united in replacing all Senators and Reps with someone who will respect the Catholic Church, all Christians, and all Religions with perhaps the exception of Islam.
Mr. President, you said, “The USA is not a Christian Nation”. You are wrong – we are a Christian Nation founded on Judeo-Christian values allowing all religions in America to worship and practice freely…. something that Islam will never do.
Oh, by the way, on MUSLIM HERITAGE IN America …. Have you ever been to a Muslim hospital, heard a Muslim orchestra, seen a Muslim band march in a parade, know of a Muslim charity, ever seen Muslims shaking hands with a Muslim Girl Scout, or ever seen a Muslim Candy Striper volunteering in a hospital?
Have you ever seen a Muslim do much of anything that contributes positively to the American way of life?
Let’s circulate this to as many as possible. And remember the
elections coming up in 2016!
One more note – in every church or synagogue I have ever been in in the United States, I have always seen an American flag.
No mosques in the United States carries an American flag.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.” When you read this you will understand why Obama ~~Refuses to say the words “radical Islam.” Did you know that We Now Have a Muslim Government? … John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia. Ob
ama’s top advisor, Valerie Jarrett,~~is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her parents still live. Hillary Clinton’s top advisor, Huma Abedin,~~is a Muslim, whose mother and brother are involved in the now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. $#%&!@*istant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan,~~is a Muslim. Homeland Security Advisor, Mohammed Elibiary,~~ is a Muslim. Obama advisor and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati,~~ is a Muslim. Obama’s Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America~~ is a Muslim. Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighbor-hood Partnerships, Eboo Patel,~~is a Muslim. And last but not least, our closet Muslim himself,~~ Barack Hussein Obama. It’s questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when he was sworn in. He didn’t repeat the oath properly to defend our nation and our Cons$#%&!@*ution. Later the Democrats claimed he was given the oath again….in private? CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of the Cons$#%&!@*ution,~~not a Bible. Congressman, Keith Ellison took his oath on a copy ~~of the Qur’an. Congresswoman Michele Bachman was vilified and almost tarred and feathered by Democrats when she voiced her concern about Muslims taking over our government. Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his minions are systematically destroying our nation, supporting radical Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border, and turning a blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over Africa and the Middle East. The more damage Obama does, the more arrogant he’s become! Our nation and our government has been infiltrated by people who want to destroy us. It WILL only get worse. Plus John Kerry’s son in law is an Iranian muslim.
Deportation is too late, unfortunately extreme aggression without prejudice is what’s needed.