This past September Muslims took to the streets of New York City in what was suppose to be a moderate display of their religion. Instead, there were very graphic scenes of terrorism, like a white woman being hung with a noose, people carrying a banner that had eliminated Israel from the map, women being held in cages as in Boko Haram, etc.
this is what happens when only 15 to 20% come out to vote . you get a moron for mayor. good luck nyc
Need to shoot them all
Obamas buddies. And holder could care less
Nature of the beast
They all need to rounded up shoot or sent back where they came from.
We should line up along the streets and take target practice of the forign traders
Let them come try that in Ark. r Okl now and see what happens
Should have dragged their dumbasses off that float and really hung them!!
And they don’t want us to offend them? Doesn’t anyone else see this as highly offensive and something that needs to be dealt with? My flag in my yard is offensive and yet they can show someone hanging from a noose. How wrong is that?
Wonder if a Cross or Star of David would be tolerated on city streets during a parade?