Muslims migrating into the US is the fastest growing bloc of immigrants per the census bureau. This trend maximized in July 2014, with 42.4 million foreign born population in the US. Many find these statistics troubling, and its linked to both parties, Republican and Democrats who want to capitalize on the hot button issue of immigration.
What’s the political plan for Muslim immigrants? See next page:
sick look what there going too bring too America we cant have these people teaching this then there will be even more
Little by little they are creeping into our country and wanting to change our way of life. We need to do something now before it is too late.
Their are 310 million american ready to defend their lands!
I looked up to see how many Muslims were here,I believe they were 1% of the population
It’s propaganda,to terrorize us we do not even know if those pictures are f**e
INSANITY in America!
Not if I had my say.
That sucks.
Obama likes this
Wow,this scares the Hell out of mr