Muslims migrating into the US is the fastest growing bloc of immigrants per the census bureau. This trend maximized in July 2014, with 42.4 million foreign born population in the US. Many find these statistics troubling, and its linked to both parties, Republican and Democrats who want to capitalize on the hot button issue of immigration.
What’s the political plan for Muslim immigrants? See next page:
great obama ships em in
Muslims saves American
They breed like roaches. Lazy as can be plus very dirty and stinky. Don’t bathe regularly. And they bring with them a hateful and murderous ideology which doesn’t go or agree with our freedoms and way of life.
PROOF Obama is Muslim Brotherhood,,
Enough, close our borders!
sick look what there going too bring too America Conquer Your Worst Enemy – The Way To Allah
Not immigrants. Not refugees. Not destitute, emaciated, or driven from their homelands. These are invaders, whose only goal is conquest and destruction.
This is the closest thing Ive seen as an example of a Neanderthal human and a gorilla , No you cant come here and bring your extreme belief of your bible! You rape a woman or a 9yr old girl, you will never see the inside of a jail cell or a prison, because the cops wont be called, you will be drug down a dirt road tied to the bumper of a truck till your clothes are ripped from your body, and your bones are showing, then tied to a tree and your knees blown from under you, then the next morning you will be dumped in the river where the river will consume you!! There are 6ft catfish in Lay lake that dont care what the eat!!!
Where is all the ZYKLON B when we need it.
Need to feed them to the fish by making them swim home