Muslims in Kenya hijacked a bus en route to the Kenyan capital Nairobi today and killed 28 Christians.
The terrorist group Al-Shabhab has taken responsibility for the horrific attack.
One report states that the passengers were butchered.
Your time is coming mother$#%&!@*ers .
Oh that means we added 28 saints thank you ISSISS you are building up gods kingdom and great army that will come at the end of time to cast you out into the darkness for all eternity
I’m so sorry these people had to go though this !
It never stops does it. This people are the scum of the earth.
Did this happen is Ferguson? Lol
I know a few lines from there book …you have to have a small have to be a goat humper and you only do things in groups cause by yourself your cowardly and just little $#%&!@* bitches with no balls…did a get saved?
Sure was nice of Obama and John Kerry to give them our old uniforms hu? You should tell them how happy that makes you feel.
hey they look like obamas sons
We need to infect a couple thousand burkas with ebola and donate them to the wonderful world of islam.
very sad situation