Muslims in Kenya hijacked a bus en route to the Kenyan capital Nairobi today and killed 28 Christians.
The terrorist group Al-Shabhab has taken responsibility for the horrific attack.
One report states that the passengers were butchered.
this is a RELIGION??? It is a DAMMM CULT, IF YOU ASK ME!!!
all muslims need to be eliminated from the earth they are the lowest form of life on earth
They will get their punishment at the end! Thank U God!
They should all be killed the same way.
And so it goes on??? Righteousness exalteth a Nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs 14:34
don’t forget usa kill every day muslims in every where !
Kinda funny how they are sporting our old cammies. Do we have John Kerry and Lord Obama to thank for that?
Stop the murders.
bomb them!
Kill all Muslims