Muslims in Kenya hijacked a bus en route to the Kenyan capital Nairobi today and killed 28 Christians.
The terrorist group Al-Shabhab has taken responsibility for the horrific attack.
One report states that the passengers were butchered.
I keep hearing that muslim is about peace. How does this show “peace”?
oh and these be a religion of peace.
Thanks Obama for your muslim maggots, cultist SOBs, and of course Moochele! You are all going to hell, so sooner the better!
Round up all these murderers and kill them. No mercy for the merciless.
Where have you been its already here.
Find them and kill them back
They can’t see how ridiculous this hard core religion is. Killing people cause they are not Muslim.Its INSANITY can they really trust the new converts?
Why is Obama still breathing ?????
Let’s start killing Muslims if they can’t recite passages from the Old and New Testament. T*t for tat.
They have ti hide their faces proving they are not Muslims they are just criminals