If you don’t like what we are serving, then don’t come here! Muslims are complaining about the very nation they want to become part of by saying they are forced to assimilate. At a conference in Sydney, Australia, the keynote speaker said, “It’s not enough that you obey the law, no, you have to adopt our values.”
Why move to a freedom loving, democratic country if one hates what it stands for, unless it is to undermine the very system upon which it was built. Read some of the disdainful comments made at the conference regarding the mandate to assimilate on the next page.
That’s way I am sick with cancer and lost my hearing you can not trust Muslims like you do
If you don’t like our ways and our customs, then what the heck are you doing staying in this country? Go away!!!
Go home you won’t have to do either
Is he here legally ?
Who’s forcing them.They should feel honored.I believe the best thing for these malcontents,is to return to the country that they left and was already assinilated.You people hate us,will not obey our laws,constantly have your dirty little hands out for freebies,and then want us to change to suit you. You don’t belong here and the only reason you still are is the fact that the Democrats are using you for the illegal vote that they are trying to pass.Please,why don’t you leave.
Why even come to AMERICA, that is the point to assimilate into this country . If you believe in Loyalty to another country and its laws ,why not live there. AMERICA has no native ethnicity in her name, she is an country of freedom and equal laws for all who accept the assimilation into her way of life and become a citizen. The pledge and the anthem is the belief in Freedom ,law and thanks to those who gave us the right to become a citizen.If you do not believe in the idea ,why even think about becoming a citizen.
Tough, live with it
Go back to where you came from.
This is AMERICA, Love it or Leave it.
You idiot!!! When you immigrate, you assimilate in the laws and regulations of that country. You don’t try to change it to what you came from. If that’s what you want, why did you leave your country,