If you don’t like what we are serving, then don’t come here! Muslims are complaining about the very nation they want to become part of by saying they are forced to assimilate. At a conference in Sydney, Australia, the keynote speaker said, “It’s not enough that you obey the law, no, you have to adopt our values.”
Why move to a freedom loving, democratic country if one hates what it stands for, unless it is to undermine the very system upon which it was built. Read some of the disdainful comments made at the conference regarding the mandate to assimilate on the next page.
Get the$#%&!@*out oif America.
Bottom line here is! If these people don’t want to assimilate in the country’s that they want to take up citizenship in, then they should be denied entry! A country within a country can’t work! Send these people back and let them complain in their own country or bring a change to it! Isn’t that what happen here in the United States? And it’s not United country’s!
Go back from where you came. No one is forcing you to stay.
That’s why your filthy asses need removed asap
Then leave the U.S.
Nice try!
Then go the$#%&!@*home to your shithole country
Then go back to your cesspool Middle East!!!!!
Then leave
Islam is a cult founded by a murdering child molester.