If you don’t like what we are serving, then don’t come here! Muslims are complaining about the very nation they want to become part of by saying they are forced to assimilate. At a conference in Sydney, Australia, the keynote speaker said, “It’s not enough that you obey the law, no, you have to adopt our values.”
Why move to a freedom loving, democratic country if one hates what it stands for, unless it is to undermine the very system upon which it was built. Read some of the disdainful comments made at the conference regarding the mandate to assimilate on the next page.
Get out of America if you don’t like our ways .
Don’t stay in America move to Canada or Mexico
Get the Hell OUT of our country !!!!!!! Go back to your cruel barbaric muslim cult country !!!!!
Trojan horse ……
No one asked you to come to the U.S.,, and if Islam is so damn good, why do Muslims want to get the hell out and leave countries that are Islamic ?
that is right$#%&!@*hole be come part of America if you want to live here. If you are not part of this country then get your$#%&!@*out.
They need to be evangelised
May I respectfully suggest you return to your shithole of a country that you came here from?
Well, they haven’t tried to hide it. They have been telling us from day one that they would use our own laws against us. But, uneducated Americans keep fighting for their admission to the U.S. Take a look at the world today, and history, and “WAKE UP!”