If you don’t like what we are serving, then don’t come here! Muslims are complaining about the very nation they want to become part of by saying they are forced to assimilate. At a conference in Sydney, Australia, the keynote speaker said, “It’s not enough that you obey the law, no, you have to adopt our values.”
Why move to a freedom loving, democratic country if one hates what it stands for, unless it is to undermine the very system upon which it was built. Read some of the disdainful comments made at the conference regarding the mandate to assimilate on the next page.
Assimilate or leave.
Just freaking leave. You aren’t welcome here. We didn’t invite you to come here and we are now asking you to leave. Don’t make us throw you out!
I find the article very interesting and the comments disturbing. It’s apparent that many did not read the arrival in its entirety. Australia, it was written about Australia. It is true we have the same or similar issues or problems here in the USA with those who want to immigrate but refuse to assimilate. Not just people from Muslim countries but European and Latin as well. This nothing new, the difference is that the latter two mentioned have not publicly denounced our country and our way of life. It’s not for everyone but we do allow those willing to make the needed changes. Don’t forget where you came from but embrace where you are. If, knowing the differences you came anyway then it’s about causing trouble. That simple. I welcome those who want to add to not tear down.
This is the USA. Get use to it.
That’s right goat jumper!
Then dont come here
Deport all rags
What do you think immigrants are supposed to do!